Chakra necklaces are gaining increasing popularity these days due to their beauty as well as healing properties. Emerging from ancient Eastern tradition, they are considered able to connect to the 7 chakras and to keep the good energy flowing.

What is a Chakra Necklace?
A chakra necklace or 7 chakra necklace is made from different chakra crystals to connect to the seven chakras in our human body and to ensure a peaceful spirit. Crystals frequently used are jasper, carnelian, citrine, quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and amethyst. They are known for healing and clarity.
Chakra Necklace Meaning
What does a chakra necklace do? A chakra necklace helps to strengthen the spirit and to encourage positive vibes in our human body. When the right chakra crystals are used, the chakra necklace offers double the healing.
To be detailed, wearing a chakra necklace is considered able to open blocked chakras and keep the good energy flowing. When blocked, a chakra can cause feelings of emotional and physical discomfort.
The chakras can be visualized as whirling wheels of energy located along the spine from the perineum to the top of the head. The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body in balance.
Beyond the spiritual, emotional, and physical benefits, chakra necklaces are glamorous additions to any wardrobe. Because many are multi-colored, they pair well with a wide variety of clothing.
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About the 7 Chakras and their functions
The concept of chakra dates back over 2,600 years to Hindu and Buddhist texts. Although about 88,000 chakras have been revealed since then, chakra necklaces often focus on the seven significant chakras that span the spine.
The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body in balance. Each chakra provides a connection to specific organs and feelings.
Chakra 1: Root Chakra
Located at the perineum, the root chakra provides an anchor to the earth. Associated with the color red, the root chakra expresses intensity and inner strength. This chakra links the organs responsible for your body’s physical survival.
Chakra 2: Sacral Chakra
Harnessing creativity, sexuality, and sensuality, the sacral chakra is nestled in the pelvic cradle. It offers a special connection with the sex organs and is represented by the color orange.
Chakra 3: Solar Plexus Chakra
Just above the navel, the solar plexus chakra offers a connection to a person’s emotional center. Represented by vibrant yellow, this chakra is closely connected to self-esteem and joy. Because of its position within the abdomen, it is associated with the digestive organs.
Chakra 4: Heart Chakra
Shimmering green and captivating pink come together to represent the elusive heart chakra. This chakra represents love and rejuvenation. True to its name, the heart chakra is connected with the heart.
Chakra 5: Throat Chakra
Connected with communication, the throat chakra is the doorway to peace and tranquility. Represented by soothing shades of cerulean and turquoise, the throat chakra is closely associated with forgiveness. As indicated by its name, this chakra is linked to the throat.
Chakra 6: Third Eye Chakra
Found between the eyes, the third eye chakra is responsible for intuition and clarity. The third eye chakra is represented with rich indigo hues. Organs responsible for perception like eyes, ears, and mind are governed by the third eye chakra.
Chakra 7: Crown Chakra
Radiant white or majestic violet depicts the ethereal crown chakra. This chakra is located above the head like a crown. Although it is mystically connected with all the other chakras, it offers a special affinity with the brain. The crown chakra helps an individual achieve bliss.